BORME summary in MURCIA on 2024-07-19.

Financial Analysis of the Murcia Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Murcia Commercial Registry

Report Date: July 19, 2024

In this financial analysis, the most relevant events recorded in the Murcia Commercial Registry are examined. Below, the most significant data are detailed and some specific companies are referenced to illustrate these events.


The total number of appointment acts recorded amounts to 26. This data reflects significant activity in terms of the designation of new positions in the region's companies. A notable example is the company Iniciativas Locales SL, which has recently recorded an appointment. This company, established on February 28, 1996, has a share capital of 2,000,000.00 euros and is dedicated to providing services aimed at local development.


8 acts of new company constitution have been recorded. This indicator is positive, as it shows growth in the creation of new entities in Murcia. Although the new companies are not specified in the provided data, this number suggests a dynamic and expanding business environment.


The number of resignation acts is 15. This data can be interpreted as a change in the organizational structure of several companies, where there have been replacements in managerial positions. For example, Construcciones Guillercons SL has recorded a resignation in its management. This company, established on September 16, 2003, has a share capital of 104,600.00 euros and is dedicated to general real estate activity.


Only 1 act of revocation has been recorded, indicating a low incidence of annulments of previously granted powers or authorizations. An example is the company Tropicana Alvalle SL, which has recorded a revocation. This company, established on February 27, 1987, has a share capital of 2,776,225.00 euros.


3 acts of unipersonalities have been recorded, suggesting that some companies have become single-member entities. This change can influence decision-making and the company's structure.

Address Changes

The number of address change acts is 7. This data reflects the mobility of companies within the region, possibly in search of better strategic or logistical locations.

Statutory Modifications

Only 1 act of statutory modification has been recorded, indicating that most companies maintain their original statutes without significant changes.

Capital Increases

1 act of capital increase has been recorded. This fact is relevant as it shows the intention of some companies to increase their financial capacity to undertake new projects or expand their operations.


1 act of dissolution has been recorded, indicating that a company has ceased its operations. This data is relatively low, suggesting stability in the region's business fabric.


2 acts of re-election have been recorded, showing continuity in the managerial positions of some companies, thus ensuring stability in their management.

Bankruptcy Situations

The number of bankruptcy situation acts is 5. This data is significant as it reflects financial problems in some companies that have led to bankruptcy proceedings.

Object Changes

2 acts of object changes have been recorded. This fact may indicate a reorientation of business activities to adapt to new market opportunities.

Denomination Changes

2 acts of denomination changes have been recorded, suggesting that some companies have opted to renew their corporate image or adapt to new branding strategies.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator as it suggests that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital.

Object Extensions

No acts of object extensions have been recorded, indicating that companies maintain their original activities without significant diversification.

Changes to Single-Member Company

1 act of change to a single-member company has been recorded, suggesting a restructuring in the company's ownership.

Losses of Single-Member Status

No acts of losses of single-member status have been recorded, indicating that single-member companies have maintained their ownership structure.


No acts of extinctions have been recorded, which is a positive indicator of business stability in the region.


No acts of mergers have been recorded, suggesting that there have been no significant consolidations between companies in this period.

Company Transformations

1 act of company transformation has been recorded, indicating a change in a company's legal structure to adapt to new needs or strategies.

In summary, the Murcia Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, along with a low incidence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations. Companies in Murcia appear to be in a phase of stability and growth, with some strategic changes in their structures and activities.