BORME summary in OURENSE on 2024-08-29.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Ourense

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Ourense

Date: August 29, 2024

In this financial analysis, we will examine the most relevant acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Ourense. The data reflect the activity of various companies in the province and provide a detailed view of their corporate movements.

Appointment Acts

The Mercantile Registry of Ourense has registered a total of 15 appointment acts. This number reflects the dynamics of companies in the region, where there is a constant renewal and designation of new managerial positions. A notable example is the company AUTOBUSES URBANOS DE OURENSE SL, which has made a significant appointment in its organizational structure. With a share capital of 1,774,000.00 euros, this company is dedicated to the provision and operation of passenger transport services.

Constitution Acts

Three constitution acts have been registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the province. This is encouraging data, as it shows growth in business activity and the incorporation of new entities into the market.

Resignation Acts

Regarding resignations, 8 acts have been registered. This number can be interpreted as a natural restructuring process within companies, where some executives or employees leave their positions. For example, the company PARQUE TECNOLOXICO DE GALICIA SA has registered a resignation in its structure. This company, with a share capital of 1,806,035.00 euros, is dedicated to the promotion and management of technological parks.

Revocation Acts

No revocation acts have been registered in the analyzed period. This may indicate stability in business decisions and previously made appointments.

Unipersonal Acts

Two unipersonal acts have been registered, suggesting that some companies have adopted or lost their unipersonal status. Such changes can have implications for the management and capital structure of companies.

Change of Address Acts

Only one change of address act has been registered. This data suggests that most companies maintain their original location, which can be interpreted as a sign of stability in their operations.

Statutory Modification Acts

No statutory modification acts have been registered. This may indicate that companies have not found it necessary to make changes to their statutes during this period.

Capital Increase Acts

One capital increase act has been registered, indicating that at least one company has decided to increase its share capital to finance its operations or expansion projects. Such acts are important for the growth and sustainability of companies.

Dissolution Acts

Two dissolution acts have been registered, indicating that some companies have ceased their operations. This data may be an indicator of financial difficulties or market changes that have affected these entities.

Re-election Acts

Two re-election acts have been registered, suggesting that some companies have decided to keep their executives in their positions, trusting in their leadership and management.

Bankruptcy Acts

Three bankruptcy acts have been registered, indicating that some companies have faced significant financial difficulties, leading to bankruptcy proceedings to resolve their debts.

Change of Object Acts

No change of object acts have been registered. This indicates that companies have maintained their main activities without needing to modify their corporate purpose.

Change of Name Acts

No change of name acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have maintained their original names during this period.

Capital Reduction Acts

No capital reduction acts have been registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of financial stability in the companies of the region.

Expansion of Object Acts

No expansion of object acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not found it necessary to expand their main activities.

Change of Unipersonal Company Acts

No change of unipersonal company acts have been registered, suggesting that unipersonal companies have maintained their structure without significant changes.

Loss of Unipersonal Status Acts

No loss of unipersonal status acts have been registered, indicating that unipersonal companies have maintained their condition.

Extinction Acts

No extinction acts have been registered, suggesting that there have been no definitive dissolutions of companies beyond the temporary dissolutions mentioned earlier.

Merger Acts

No merger acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no integrations of companies during this period.

Transformation of Company Acts

No transformation of company acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have maintained their legal form without significant changes.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Ourense reflects moderate business activity with some significant movements in appointments, resignations, and bankruptcy situations. Stability in other acts such as revocations, change of address, and statutory modifications suggests a relatively stable business environment. Companies like AUTOBUSES URBANOS DE OURENSE SL and PARQUE TECNOLOXICO DE GALICIA SA stand out in this analysis, reflecting important movements in their organizational and financial structures.