BORME summary in PALENCIA on 2024-06-07.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Palencia

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Palencia

Date: June 7, 2024

This financial analysis is based on data obtained from the Mercantile Registry of the province of Palencia. Below are the most relevant facts recorded in the provided columns.

Mercantile Registry

The Mercantile Registry of Palencia is the entity responsible for the registration of acts and documents related to commercial companies and individual entrepreneurs. On June 7, 2024, various acts reflecting business activity in the province were registered.

Registered Acts

Below are the most relevant acts registered on the mentioned day:


A total of 4 appointments have been registered. These acts are fundamental for the constitution and operation of companies, as they involve the designation of individuals in positions of responsibility within the company. Appointments may include directors, administrators, and other executive positions.


On the mentioned day, 2 new company constitutions were registered. The constitution of a company is a positive indicator of economic activity, as it represents the creation of new businesses and, therefore, the generation of employment and wealth in the region.


1 resignation has been registered. This act implies the termination of functions of a person in a specific position within the company. Resignations can be due to various reasons, such as resignations, dismissals, or organizational restructurings.


No revocation acts have been registered. Revocation implies the annulment of a previously granted appointment or power, and its absence can be interpreted as stability in the management positions of companies.


1 unipersonality act has been registered. This act indicates that a company has become unipersonal, meaning that all shares or participations of the company belong to a single person, whether physical or legal.

Change of Address

No change of address acts have been registered. These acts reflect the relocation of a company's registered office, and their absence may indicate stability in the location of companies in the province.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modifications have been registered. Statutory modifications involve changes in the company's bylaws, which can affect aspects such as the corporate purpose, share capital, among others.

Capital Increases

No capital increases have been registered. Capital increases are acts by which a company increases its share capital, either through contributions from shareholders or the issuance of new shares.


No dissolutions have been registered. The dissolution of a company implies the cessation of its activity and the initiation of its liquidation process. The absence of dissolutions can be interpreted as a sign of stability in the business fabric.


No re-elections have been registered. Re-elections are acts by which a person's mandate in a management position within the company is renewed.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situations have been registered. Bankruptcy situations imply that a company is insolvent and requires a judicial process for its restructuring or liquidation.

Change of Purpose

No change of purpose acts have been registered. Changes in corporate purpose involve the modification of the main activity to which the company is dedicated.

Change of Name

No change of name acts have been registered. These acts reflect the modification of the company's name.

Capital Reductions

No capital reductions have been registered. Capital reductions imply the decrease of the company's share capital, either to absorb losses or to return contributions to shareholders.

Expansion of Purpose

No expansion of purpose acts have been registered. This act implies the inclusion of new activities in the company's corporate purpose.

Change of Unipersonal Company

1 change of unipersonal company act has been registered. This act reflects the transition of a company from being unipersonal to non-unipersonal, or vice versa.

Loss of Unipersonality

No loss of unipersonality acts have been registered. This act implies that a company has ceased to be unipersonal.


No extinctions have been registered. The extinction of a company implies the definitive termination of its legal existence.


No mergers have been registered. Mergers involve the union of two or more companies into one, either by creating a new company or by the absorption of one company by another.

Company Transformations

No company transformations have been registered. This act implies the change of the company's legal form, for example, from a limited company to a corporation.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Palencia has reflected moderate activity in terms of appointments and new company constitutions, which is a positive indicator for the local economy. The absence of acts such as dissolutions, bankruptcy situations, and extinctions suggests stability in the business fabric of the province. However, the lack of capital increases and statutory modifications could indicate a lack of growth and adaptation in some companies. It is essential to continue monitoring these indicators to assess the long-term economic health of the region.