BORME summary in PALENCIA on 2024-07-23.

<> Financial Analysis of Companies in Palencia

Financial Analysis of Companies in Palencia

Report date: July 23, 2024

This financial analysis focuses on the activities recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia. Below, the most relevant facts related to companies in the province are described, based on the provided data.

Mercantile Registry of Palencia

The Mercantile Registry of Palencia has recorded various business activities in the province. Below, the types of acts and their frequency are detailed:

  • Appointments: 12
  • Constitutions: 2
  • Cessations: 7
  • Revocations: 0
  • Unipersonalities: 0
  • Address changes: 1
  • Statutory modifications: 0
  • Capital increases: 2
  • Dissolutions: 1
  • Reelections: 3
  • Bankruptcy situations: 0
  • Object changes: 1
  • Name changes: 0
  • Capital reductions: 1
  • Object expansions: 0
  • Unipersonal company changes: 0
  • Loss of unipersonality: 0
  • Extinctions: 0
  • Mergers: 0
  • Company transformations: 1

Detailed Analysis

Below, a detailed analysis of some of the most relevant acts recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia is carried out, referring to specific companies to better illustrate the situation.


A total of 12 appointments have been registered in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia. This number reflects an active business dynamic, with changes in the direction and administration of companies. An example of a company with recent appointments is Explotación Agropecuaria Loma de Ucieza SA, which has registered one appointment.


Two new company constitutions have been registered. This data indicates growth in business activity in the province. Although the constituted companies are not specified, this fact is positive for local economic development.


Seven cessations have occurred, which may indicate internal restructurings or changes in company strategy. An example of a registered cessation is in the company Materiales de Construcción de la Hera Cervera SL, which has registered one cessation.

Address Changes

One address change has been registered. This type of act may be related to expansion strategies or relocation to improve company operations.

Capital Increases

Two capital increases have been registered, which indicates that companies are seeking to strengthen their financial structure to undertake new projects or expansions. Although the companies that have made these increases are not specified, this fact is positive for the province's economic stability and growth.


One company dissolution has been registered. This act may be related to financial problems or strategic decisions by the owners. Dissolution is a process that can have various causes and consequences for the local market.


Three reelections have been registered, indicating continuity in the management of some companies. An example of a reelection is in the company Galletas Gullón SA, which has registered one reelection. This company, with a share capital of 781,766.00 euros, is a benchmark in the province's food industry.

Object Changes

One object change has been registered, which may be related to the diversification of activities or adaptation to new market opportunities. An example of a company that has made an object expansion is Prefabricados y Postes de Hormigón SA, which has expanded its corporate purpose to include energy production.

Capital Reductions

One capital reduction has been registered. This act may be related to financial adjustments necessary for the company's viability. Capital reduction is a measure that can have various implications for the company's financial structure.

Company Transformations

One company transformation has been registered. This type of act may be related to changes in the company's legal structure to better adapt to market needs or business strategy.


In summary, the Mercantile Registry of Palencia has recorded a variety of business acts that reflect dynamic activity in the province. Appointments and reelections indicate continuity and renewal in business management, while constitutions and capital increases are positive signs of growth and economic strengthening. On the other hand, cessations and dissolutions reflect the challenges that some companies may face. Together, these acts provide a comprehensive view of the business situation in Palencia and are indicative of a constantly evolving business environment.