BORME summary in PALENCIA on 2024-07-29.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Palencia

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Palencia

Analysis date: July 29, 2024

This report presents a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the Commercial Registry of Palencia, highlighting the most relevant facts in various categories of commercial acts. These activities are described below, along with specific examples of companies registered in Palencia.


In the analyzed period, a total of 6 appointment acts have been registered. These acts are fundamental to the governance structure of companies, as they involve the designation of new directors or administrators. An example of a company with an appointment act is GSU FOUND SL, established on October 29, 2020, with a share capital of 29,351,290.00 euros. This company is dedicated to the administration and management of companies, as well as advisory services in various areas.


1 incorporation act has been registered, indicating the creation of a new business entity. The incorporation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic dynamism and entrepreneurship in the region.


Regarding resignations, 3 acts have been registered. Resignations can be due to various reasons, such as changes in management or internal restructurings. These acts are important to understand the evolution and adaptation of companies to new circumstances.


No revocation acts have been registered in the analyzed period, which could be interpreted as stability in the decisions previously made by companies.

Sole Proprietorships

2 sole proprietorship acts have been registered. These acts reflect the situation where a company is owned by a single person, which can have implications for decision-making and legal responsibility.

Address Changes

No address change acts have been registered. Stability in the location of companies can be an indicator of satisfaction with the current operating environment.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have not found it necessary to make significant changes to their statutes during the analyzed period.

Capital Increases

1 capital increase act has been registered. Capital increases are crucial for the growth and expansion of companies, as they allow them to obtain additional funds. For example, MAHLE SMARTBIKE SYSTEMS SL, established on November 23, 2015, with a share capital of 190,000.00 euros, is dedicated to the manufacture and marketing of electronic components for electric vehicles.


No dissolution acts have been registered. The absence of dissolutions can be an indicator of stability and continuity in the business market of Palencia.


1 re-election act has been registered. Re-elections are important to maintain continuity in the management and governance of companies, ensuring that established policies and strategies are upheld.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. The absence of bankruptcies is a positive sign of solvency and financial stability in the region's companies.

Object Changes

1 object change act has been registered. Changes in a company's corporate purpose can reflect adaptation to new market opportunities or changes in business strategy.

Name Changes

1 name change act has been registered. Changing a company's name can be part of a rebranding or repositioning strategy in the market.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been registered. Stability in the share capital of companies can be an indicator of confidence in their current financial structure.

Object Extensions

No object extension acts have been registered. This suggests that companies have not found it necessary to expand their scope of activities during the analyzed period.

Sole Proprietorship Changes

No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered. Stability in the ownership structure of companies is a sign of continuity in their management.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered. This indicates that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their ownership structure during the analyzed period.


No extinction acts have been registered. The absence of extinctions is a positive indicator of the continuity and survival of companies in the market.


No merger acts have been registered. The lack of mergers may reflect stability in the business market, without major consolidation movements.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been registered. The absence of transformations suggests that companies have not found it necessary to change their legal form during the analyzed period.

In conclusion, the analysis of the Commercial Registry of Palencia reveals a general stability in business activities, with few significant changes in the structure and management of companies. The creation of new companies and capital increases are positive signs of economic dynamism, while the absence of dissolutions and bankruptcy situations reflects solid financial health in the region.