BORME summary in PALENCIA on 2024-08-29.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Palencia

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Palencia

Analysis date: August 29, 2024

This report provides a detailed overview of the activities recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia, highlighting the most relevant facts and their impact on the business environment of the province.

Registered Activities

A series of acts have been registered in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia that reflect the dynamics and evolution of companies in the province. Below is a detailed analysis of the most relevant acts:

  • Appointments: 3 appointment acts have been registered. These acts indicate renewal and reorganization in the management structures of companies, which may be a sign of adaptation to new strategies or changes in management.
  • Constitutions: Only 1 constitution act has been registered. This suggests a low rate of new company creation in the province, which could be related to economic factors or market entry barriers.
  • Terminations: 2 termination acts have occurred. Terminations may result from internal restructurings or changes in company management.
  • Revocations: No revocation acts have been registered, indicating stability in the powers granted within companies.
  • Sole Proprietorships: No sole proprietorship acts have been registered, suggesting no significant changes in the ownership structure of companies.
  • Address Changes: No address change acts have been registered, indicating stability in the location of companies.
  • Statutory Modifications: No statutory modification acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not made significant changes to their statutes.
  • Capital Increases: No capital increase acts have been registered, which may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital recently.
  • Dissolutions: No dissolution acts have been registered, which is a positive sign of business stability.
  • Re-elections: 1 re-election act has been registered, indicating continuity in the management of at least one company.
  • Bankruptcy Situations: No bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, which is a positive indicator of the financial health of companies.
  • Object Changes: No object change acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not modified their purpose or main activities.
  • Name Changes: No name change acts have been registered, indicating that companies have maintained their corporate identity.
  • Capital Reductions: No capital reduction acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to decrease their share capital.
  • Object Expansions: No object expansion acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not expanded their main activities.
  • Sole Proprietorship Changes: No sole proprietorship change acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structure.
  • Loss of Sole Proprietorship: No loss of sole proprietorship acts have been registered, indicating that companies have not changed their ownership structure.
  • Extinctions: No extinction acts have been registered, which is a positive sign of business continuity.
  • Mergers: No merger acts have been registered, indicating that there have been no significant integrations between companies.
  • Company Transformations: No company transformation acts have been registered, suggesting that companies have not changed their legal form.

Highlighted Cases

A representative example of companies in Palencia is PROMOCIONES ASTALO SL. This company, constituted on January 27, 2006, has a share capital of 7,905,945.00 euros and its corporate purpose includes conducting economic, financial, fiscal, accounting, and market studies, as well as promoting and managing projects for itself and for third parties. Despite its size and scope, PROMOCIONES ASTALO SL has not registered significant acts in the last period, which could be interpreted as a sign of stability and consolidation in its sector.


The analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Palencia shows relative stability in the business environment of the province. The low rate of constitutions and the absence of acts such as capital increases, dissolutions, and bankruptcy situations suggest that companies are operating in a stable environment, although with limited expansion. Stability in the ownership structure and the lack of significant changes in the statutes and corporate purposes of companies are also indicative of a consolidated business environment.

It is important to continue monitoring these indicators to identify possible changes in trends and anticipate any impact on the business environment of Palencia.