BORME summary in PONTEVEDRA on 2024-08-19.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra

Date: August 19, 2024

In this analysis, the most relevant facts registered in the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra are described, based on the data available to date. Below, the main business activities and movements in the province are detailed.

Business Activities and Movements

The Commercial Registry of Pontevedra has registered a total of 20 appointment acts, reflecting active dynamics in the management and administration of companies. Appointments are essential to ensure continuity and efficiency in business direction.

As for incorporations, 10 acts have been registered. This number indicates moderate growth in the creation of new companies, which is positive for the local economy. An example is the company NIPOCAR GALICIA SL, which has a share capital of 1,500,000.00 euros, demonstrating significant investment in the region.

Terminations, with a total of 7 acts, reflect changes in the organizational structure of companies. These movements may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or strategic changes.

No revocation acts have been registered, suggesting stability in previous appointments and decisions.

Unipersonalities have been registered on 10 occasions, indicating considerable interest in the creation of sole proprietorships. This type of structure allows for more direct and simplified management.

4 address changes have been registered, which may be related to resource optimization strategies or the search for better locations for business operations.

No statutory modifications have been made, suggesting that companies maintain their original statutes without significant adjustments.

Regarding capital increases, only one act has been registered. This type of movement is crucial for the expansion and growth of companies, allowing them to increase their investment and operation capacity.

One dissolution has been registered, indicating the closure of a company. This type of act can be due to various reasons, such as financial problems or strategic decisions.

No re-election acts have been registered, suggesting stability in the management positions of companies.

Bankruptcy situations have been registered on 5 occasions, reflecting financial difficulties in some companies. This type of situation requires careful management to attempt recovery or orderly liquidation of affected companies.

No changes of object or changes of denomination have been registered, indicating that companies maintain their original activities and names without need for adjustments.

One capital reduction has been registered, which may be a strategy to adjust the financial structure of a company.

No object extensions have been registered, suggesting that companies have not needed to expand their activities beyond what was initially planned.

2 changes of sole proprietorship have been registered, indicating a transition to or from sole proprietorship structures.

No losses of sole proprietorship have been registered, suggesting stability in existing sole proprietorships.

No extinctions have been registered, indicating that there have been no definitive closures of companies beyond the previously mentioned dissolution.

One merger has been registered, which may be a strategy to strengthen market position and optimize resources. Mergers are often important strategic moves for business growth and consolidation.

No company transformations have been registered, suggesting that companies maintain their original legal structures.


In summary, the Commercial Registry of Pontevedra shows dynamic business activity with a balance between new appointments, incorporations, and terminations. Stability in aspects such as revocations, statutory modifications, and changes of denomination reflects a solid business structure in the region. Bankruptcy situations and the registered merger indicate strategic movements and necessary financial adjustments to adapt to market conditions.

The company NIPOCAR GALICIA SL, with significant share capital, is an example of investment and confidence in the economic growth of the province. This analysis provides an overview of the business situation in Pontevedra, highlighting the main movements and their impact on the local economy.