BORME summary in SALAMANCA on 2024-06-20.

Financial Analysis of the Salamanca Mercantile Registry

Financial Analysis of the Salamanca Mercantile Registry

Report Date: June 20, 2024

This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the Salamanca Mercantile Registry, examining various activities and movements recorded in the region's companies. Below, the most significant facts are detailed based on the provided columns.


The number of registered appointment acts is considerably high, with a total of 16 acts. This data reflects active dynamics in company management, where a constant incorporation of new members in the governing bodies is observed. An example of a company with an appointment act is Carlos Reyes e Hijos SL, which has a share capital of 157,465.00 euros.


Regarding resignations, 7 acts have been registered. This number indicates a certain rotation in managerial positions, which can be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or strategic changes. Companies like Agropecuaria Sata SL have also registered resignation acts, reflecting movements in their organizational structure.

Address Changes

Only one act of address change has been registered. This type of movement may be related to strategies for resource optimization or seeking better locations for business operations.


One act of re-election has been registered, suggesting continuity in the confidence placed in certain members of the management team. These types of acts are indicative of stability in business management.

Object Expansions

One act of object expansion has been registered, implying diversification in business activities. These types of movements are usually strategic to take advantage of new market opportunities.

Unregistered Acts

It is worth noting that no acts have been registered in the following categories: constitutions, revocations, unipersonalities, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, changes to single-member companies, loss of single-member status, terminations, mergers, and company transformations. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as a period of stability in the business environment of Salamanca.

Notable Companies

Among the notable companies in the Salamanca Mercantile Registry, we find Carlos Reyes e Hijos SL, established on July 11, 1992, with a share capital of 157,465.00 euros. This company has registered one appointment act and one resignation act, reflecting movements in its management structure.

Another relevant company is Agropecuaria Sata SL, with a share capital of 601,980.00 euros. This company has also registered one appointment act and one resignation act, indicating changes in its management team.

Finally, we mention La Maza de Alba SL, with a share capital of 243,409.00 euros. This company has registered one appointment act and one resignation act, suggesting a certain rotation in its management team.


In conclusion, the analysis of the Salamanca Mercantile Registry reveals moderate activity in terms of appointments and resignations, with notable stability in other areas. The region's companies seem to be in a consolidation period, with strategic movements in their management teams and an absence of acts indicating drastic changes or crisis situations. This stable environment can provide a solid foundation for future growth and business development opportunities in Salamanca.