BORME summary in SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE on 2024-08-30.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

This analysis details the most relevant events recorded in the Commercial Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, with data corresponding to August 30, 2024. Below, the main acts and movements recorded are described, providing a clear view of the business dynamism in the region.


The number of recorded appointment acts is 4. This data reflects moderate activity in terms of the designation of new positions within companies. Appointments are essential for the renewal and strengthening of the organizational structure of companies, allowing the incorporation of new talents and the restructuring of management teams.


3 acts of new company constitutions have been recorded. This indicator is crucial for evaluating economic growth and entrepreneurial spirit in the region. The creation of new companies is a positive sign of confidence in the local market and emerging business opportunities.


1 act of resignation has been recorded. Resignations can be due to multiple factors, such as strategic changes, retirements, or internal restructurings. Although a single resignation is not significant in absolute terms, it is data to consider in the general context of business activity.


No acts of revocations have been recorded. The absence of revocations can be interpreted as stability in the decisions previously made regarding appointments and designations of positions.

Sole Proprietorships

3 acts of sole proprietorships have been recorded. These types of acts indicate the existence of companies owned by a single partner. The presence of a notable number of sole proprietorships may indicate a trend towards simplification in the ownership structure of companies.

Change of Address

No acts of change of address have been recorded. Stability in the location of companies can be a sign of satisfaction with current operating conditions and the available infrastructure in the region.

Statutory Modifications

No acts of statutory modifications have been recorded. The absence of changes in social statutes may reflect stability in the internal regulations of companies.

Capital Increases

No acts of capital increases have been recorded. Capital increases are important for the growth and expansion of companies, so their absence could indicate a phase of consolidation rather than expansion in the business fabric.


1 act of dissolution has been recorded. The dissolution of a company can be due to multiple causes, such as financial problems, lack of business viability, or strategic decisions. It is relevant data that should be monitored to better understand the dynamics of company closures in the region.


No acts of re-elections have been recorded. The absence of re-elections could indicate that there has been no need to renew mandates of management positions in the analyzed period.

Bankruptcy Situations

No acts of bankruptcy situations have been recorded. The absence of bankruptcy proceedings is positive data, as it suggests that there are no companies in a situation of insolvency or in the process of liquidation due to debts.

Change of Purpose

No acts of change of purpose have been recorded. Stability in the social purpose of companies can be indicative of companies maintaining their original business lines without the need for diversification or change of activity.

Change of Name

No acts of change of name have been recorded. The absence of changes in the social name can reflect stability in the corporate identity of companies.

Capital Reductions

No acts of capital reductions have been recorded. Capital reductions are usually financial adjustment measures, so their absence can be interpreted as a sign of financial stability in companies.

Expansion of Purpose

No acts of expansion of purpose have been recorded. The lack of expansions in the social purpose suggests that companies are not diversifying their activities in the analyzed period.

Change of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of change of sole proprietorship have been recorded. Stability in the ownership structure of sole proprietorship companies is relevant data to understand the dynamics of this type of society.

Loss of Sole Proprietorship

No acts of loss of sole proprietorship have been recorded. The absence of these acts indicates that there have been no changes in the ownership structure that imply the loss of the sole proprietorship condition.


No acts of extinctions have been recorded. The lack of company extinctions is positive data, as it suggests that there have been no definitive closures of companies.


No acts of mergers have been recorded. The absence of mergers may indicate that there have been no significant business consolidation movements in the analyzed period.

Company Transformations

No acts of company transformations have been recorded. Stability in the legal form of companies is relevant data to understand the business structure of the region.

In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of Santa Cruz de Tenerife for August 30, 2024, shows moderate business activity with notable stability in several key aspects. The creation of new companies and appointments stand out as the most relevant acts, while the absence of bankruptcy situations and significant changes in the structure of companies reflects stability in the business fabric of the region.