BORME summary in SEVILLA on 2024-07-05.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Seville

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Seville

Date: 2024-07-05

In this report, the most relevant events recorded in the Commercial Registry of Seville will be analyzed. Below, the most significant acts will be detailed and illustrated with examples from some specific companies.

Appointments Acts

The total number of appointment acts recorded is 32. This type of act reflects changes in the management structure of companies, which is an indicator of their internal dynamics and evolution. For example, the company AZUL DE INVERSIONES SL has recorded an appointment act. This company has a share capital of 4,484,980.00 euros, positioning it as a considerable entity in the market.

Constitutions Acts

There have been 14 constitution acts recorded, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. This data is positive as it reflects growth in the business fabric of Seville. An example is the company MBI SUSCRIPCIÓN DE RIESGOS SA, constituted on September 22, 2006, with a share capital of 300,000.00 euros. Its corporate purpose is the subscription agency of risks, showing the diversity of sectors present in the region.

Termination Acts

The recorded termination acts amount to 9. These acts indicate changes in the administration of companies, which can be due to multiple factors such as internal restructurings or strategic changes. The company SISTEM MELESUR ENERGÍA SA has not recorded termination acts, which could be interpreted as stability in its administration.

Revocation Acts

There have been 2 revocation acts recorded. These acts may be related to the annulment of previously granted powers. An example is the company SISTEM MELESUR ENERGÍA SA, which has recorded a revocation act. This company, constituted in 1994, has a share capital of 1,120,174.00 euros and is dedicated to installations for general construction, including hydraulic and wind energy.

Unipersonal Acts

The number of unipersonal acts is 8. This type of act indicates that a company is owned by a single person. The company MBI SUSCRIPCIÓN DE RIESGOS SA has recorded a unipersonal act, which may reflect more centralized decision-making control.

Address Change Acts

There have been 2 address change acts recorded. These changes can be due to multiple reasons, including the search for better strategic locations or the expansion of facilities. No specific examples of companies that have recorded this type of act were found in the provided context.

Statutory Modifications Acts

The number of statutory modification acts is 8. These modifications can include changes in the company's statutes, which may reflect adaptation to new regulations or business strategies. No specific examples of companies that have recorded this type of act were found in the provided context.

Capital Increase Acts

There has been 1 capital increase act recorded. This type of act indicates that the company is seeking to increase its share capital, which can be a sign of expansion or the need for additional financing. No specific examples of companies that have recorded this type of act were found in the provided context.

Dissolution Acts

There has been 1 dissolution act recorded. The dissolution of a company can be due to multiple factors such as economic infeasibility or the completion of its corporate purpose. No specific examples of companies that have recorded this type of act were found in the provided context.

Other Acts

Regarding other recorded acts, there have been no acts of re-elections, bankruptcy situations, capital reductions, object expansions, changes in unipersonal companies, losses of unipersonality, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations. This may indicate stability in these specific aspects of the commercial registry.

In summary, the analysis of the acts recorded in the Commercial Registry of Seville shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, which is a positive indicator of the growth and evolution of the business fabric in the region. Companies like AZUL DE INVERSIONES SL, MBI SUSCRIPCIÓN DE RIESGOS SA, and SISTEM MELESUR ENERGÍA SA are examples of entities that contribute to this dynamic, reflecting a diversity of sectors and significant share capital.