BORME summary in SEVILLA on 2024-09-20.

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Seville

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Seville

Analysis date: 2024-09-20


This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the Commercial Registry of Seville. Various commercial acts reflecting the business dynamics in the province have been considered. Among the most relevant acts are appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes in sole proprietorship status, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.

General Data

The commercial registry of Seville has recorded a total of 94 appointments, 32 incorporations, 33 resignations, 18 revocations, 14 sole proprietorships, 10 address changes, 26 statutory modifications, 6 capital increases, 4 dissolutions, 3 re-elections, 15 insolvency situations, 1 object change, 0 name changes, 2 capital reductions, 0 object expansions, 5 changes in sole proprietorship status, 0 loss of sole proprietorship, 0 extinctions, 1 merger, and 0 company transformations.

Analysis of Commercial Acts


With a total of 94 appointment acts, this type of act is the most frequent in the commercial registry of Seville. Appointments are essential for the management and administration of companies, as they involve the designation of new directors or administrators. An example of a company that has recorded appointments is AZVI SA, a company with a share capital of 9,004,012.00 euros and a diversified corporate purpose that includes the construction of underground mines and related activities.


32 incorporation acts have been recorded, indicating a healthy level of new business creation in the province. The incorporation of new companies is a positive indicator of economic activity and entrepreneurship. An example of a recently incorporated company is TRANSFORMADOS AGRICOLAS LOS ALCORES SL, incorporated on June 29, 2018, with a share capital of 4,003,500.00 euros and dedicated to the transformation and commercialization of horticultural products.

Resignations and Revocations

Resignations and revocations are acts that reflect changes in the administration of companies. With 33 resignations and 18 revocations, these acts are common and may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or strategic changes. For example, POLVILLO HOLDING FAMILIAR SL has not recorded any resignations or revocations, which may indicate stability in its administration.

Sole Proprietorships and Address Changes

14 sole proprietorship acts and 10 address changes have been recorded. Sole proprietorship acts indicate the existence of companies with a single partner, while address changes reflect the mobility of companies within the province. These acts may be strategic to improve the operability and logistics of companies.

Statutory Modifications and Capital Increases

Statutory modifications (26 acts) and capital increases (6 acts) indicate significant changes in the structure and financing of companies. Statutory modifications may include changes in the corporate purpose, such as in the case of ITURRI SA, which has expanded its corporate purpose to include the commercialization and manufacturing of special industrial vehicles. Capital increases, on the other hand, are essential for the growth and expansion of companies.

Dissolutions and Re-elections

With 4 dissolutions and 3 re-elections recorded, these acts reflect the termination of business activities and the renewal of mandates, respectively. Dissolutions may be due to various reasons, such as lack of profitability or the completion of specific projects.

Insolvency Situations

15 insolvency situations have been recorded, indicating financial difficulties in some companies. Insolvency situations are legal processes that allow companies to reorganize their debts and seek solutions to avoid bankruptcy.

Other Acts

Other recorded acts include 1 object change, 0 name changes, 2 capital reductions, 0 object expansions, 5 changes in sole proprietorship status, 0 loss of sole proprietorship, 0 extinctions, 1 merger, and 0 company transformations. These acts reflect specific changes in the structure and operation of companies, such as the merger of companies to improve their competitiveness.


In summary, the commercial registry of Seville shows dynamic business activity with a high number of appointments and incorporations, reflecting a favorable environment for entrepreneurship and the creation of new companies. Resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, and address changes are common and reflect the adaptability of companies to market conditions. Statutory modifications and capital increases are essential for growth and expansion, while dissolutions and insolvency situations indicate financial challenges that some companies must face. Overall, the analysis shows a diverse and active business environment in Seville.