BORME summary in SORIA on 2024-09-06.

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Soria

Financial Analysis of the Mercantile Registry of Soria

Report Date: 2024-09-06

This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Mercantile Registry of Soria, highlighting the most relevant facts and providing a financial context for a deeper understanding of business activity in this province.

Registered Activities

During the analyzed period, various activities have been registered in the Mercantile Registry of Soria. Below are the most significant data:

  • Appointments: 10
  • Constitutions: 4
  • Resignations: 5
  • Revocations: 0
  • Sole Proprietorships: 1
  • Address Changes: 0
  • Statutory Modifications: 0
  • Capital Increases: 1
  • Dissolutions: 1
  • Re-elections: 2
  • Bankruptcy Situations: 0
  • Object Changes: 0
  • Name Changes: 0
  • Capital Reductions: 0
  • Object Extensions: 0
  • Sole Proprietorship Changes: 0
  • Sole Proprietorship Losses: 0
  • Extinctions: 0
  • Mergers: 0
  • Company Transformations: 0

Highlighted Companies

Among the companies that have registered activities during the analyzed period, COMPAÑIA EOLICA TIERRAS ALTAS SA stands out. This company, established on August 11, 1997, has a share capital of 13,222,000.00 euros and is dedicated to the promotion, maintenance, and exploitation of wind farms, as well as the promotion and participation in activities for the development and production of energy in rural areas through the exploitation and utilization of natural resources.

Relevant Facts

Below are some of the most relevant acts registered during the analyzed period:

  • Appointments: 10 appointment acts have been registered, indicating significant activity in the renewal or incorporation of new members in the administrative bodies of companies.
  • Constitutions: With 4 constitution acts, there is a growth in the creation of new companies in the province of Soria.
  • Resignations: The 5 resignation acts reflect changes in the administrative structure of some companies, possibly due to internal restructurings or strategic changes.
  • Sole Proprietorships: One sole proprietorship act has been registered, which could indicate the consolidation of a company under a single owner.
  • Capital Increases: The only registered capital increase suggests an additional investment in an existing company, which could be associated with expansion plans or improvement of operational capacity.
  • Dissolutions: One dissolution act has been registered, indicating the closure of a company in the province.
  • Re-elections: With 2 re-election acts, the continuity of some members in the administrative bodies is evident, which could reflect stability in certain companies.


The analysis of the data from the Mercantile Registry of Soria reveals dynamic business activity in the province, with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, as well as some resignations and a capital increase. The activity of companies like COMPAÑIA EOLICA TIERRAS ALTAS SA stands out in this context, reflecting the interest in the development of renewable and sustainable energies in the region.

In summary, the data suggest an evolving business environment, with new companies emerging and changes in the administration of existing ones. Stability in certain sectors and investment in others indicate a positive outlook for the economic future of Soria.