BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-07-03.

Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry

Date of analysis: July 3, 2024

This report analyzes the most relevant data from the Tarragona Commercial Registry, taking into account a variety of commercial acts registered up to the mentioned date. This analysis focuses on key aspects such as appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations.

Appointments and Incorporations

The Tarragona Commercial Registry has registered a total of 76 appointment acts and 37 incorporation acts. These data reflect significant activity in the creation of new companies and the designation of new executive positions. A notable example is PRODUCTOS GIRO SA, incorporated on March 6, 1940, with a share capital of 1,876,002.00 euros. This company has registered one appointment and one revocation, indicating stability in its executive structure.

Resignations and Revocations

There have been 21 resignation acts and 3 revocation acts registered. These acts indicate changes in the administration of companies, which may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings or strategic changes. For example, HOSTAR SA, with a share capital of 24,570,000.00 euros, has registered one resignation and one appointment, suggesting a possible reorganization in its executive team.

Sole Proprietorships and Address Changes

Regarding sole proprietorship acts, 18 have been registered, while address changes total 11. These acts reflect important strategic decisions by companies. Sole proprietorship can be a strategy to simplify the business structure, while address changes may respond to logistical or fiscal needs. An example of an address change is PARC EOLIC BAIX EBRE SA, which has registered an address change, possibly related to its expansion or relocation strategy.

Capital Increases and Reductions

There have been 7 capital increase acts and 1 capital reduction act registered. Capital increases indicate a growth and financial strengthening strategy, while capital reductions may reflect financial adjustments or resource redistribution. For example, SCHUTZ IBERICA SL, incorporated on May 10, 1995, with a share capital of 901,518.00 euros, has maintained stability in its share capital, without registering increases or reductions.

Dissolutions and Insolvency Situations

The Tarragona Commercial Registry has registered 5 dissolution acts and no insolvency situations. Dissolutions reflect the cessation of activities of some companies, which may be due to various reasons, such as lack of profitability or strategic decisions. The absence of insolvency situations is a positive indicator, suggesting that companies in the region are not facing severe financial problems leading to insolvency.

Other Relevant Acts

Regarding other commercial acts, 2 object change acts, 2 name change acts, and no statutory modifications, re-elections, object expansions, sole proprietorship changes, loss of sole proprietorship, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been registered. These data reflect stability in the structure and functioning of companies in the region.


The analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry reveals dynamic and growing business activity. The high numbers of appointments and incorporations indicate a favorable environment for the creation of new companies and the designation of new leaders. Stability in dissolution acts and the absence of insolvency situations are positive signs of the financial health of companies in the region. Capital increase strategies and address changes reflect important strategic decisions for growth and adaptation to new circumstances.

Overall, the business environment in Tarragona shows signs of stability and growth, with companies like PRODUCTOS GIRO SA, HOSTAR SA, and SCHUTZ IBERICA SL playing a prominent role in the economic landscape of the region.