BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-07-24.
Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Commercial Registry
Report date: July 24, 2024
This report provides a detailed analysis of the acts registered in the Tarragona Commercial Registry, highlighting the most relevant facts and their impact on the business environment of the region. Below is an analysis of the different categories of registered acts.
The total number of registered appointment acts is 25. This data reflects active dynamics in business management, with frequent changes in the administrative bodies of companies. A notable example is the company Comercial Confort Tarragona SL, which has registered 1 appointment act. This company, with a share capital of €171,000,000.00, is dedicated to the purchase and exploitation of real estate, as well as providing interior design services.
There have been 4 constitution acts registered, indicating the creation of new companies in the region. Although the names of these new companies are not specified, this data is positive for the economic growth of Tarragona, as the creation of new entities can generate employment and stimulate the local economy.
The number of resignation acts is 7. This number, although smaller than the number of appointments, suggests a certain turnover in the managerial positions of companies. The company Coach Academic SL, with a share capital of €212,500.00, has registered 1 resignation act. This company is dedicated to teaching and training in multiple fields, including private lessons and professional training.
Only 1 revocation act has been registered. This low number can be interpreted as stability in business decisions, with few revocations of powers or previously made decisions.
Single-Member Companies
There have been 2 single-member company acts registered. These types of acts indicate that some companies have become single-member companies, which may reflect a trend towards greater concentration of ownership and control in one person or entity.
Change of Address
The number of change of address acts is 6. This data suggests a certain business mobility within the region, with companies seeking new locations to optimize their operations. However, the names of the companies that have made these changes are not specified.
Capital Increases
There have been 2 capital increase acts registered. These types of acts are indicative of companies seeking to increase their financial capacity to undertake new projects or expand their operations. An example of a company with significant share capital is Comercial Confort Tarragona SL.
The number of dissolution acts is 2. Although this data may seem negative, it is important to consider that dissolutions can be part of restructuring processes or mergers that seek to improve business efficiency.
Bankruptcy Situations
There have been 2 bankruptcy situation acts registered. This data is relevant as it indicates companies that have entered insolvency processes. However, the names of these companies are not specified.
Other Acts
No acts have been registered in the following categories: statutory modifications, change of object, change of name, capital reductions, object extensions, change of single-member company, loss of single-member status, extinctions, mergers, and company transformations. This absence of acts in these categories can be interpreted as stability in the structure and functioning of the companies in the region.
In summary, the Tarragona Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and constitutions, reflecting an active and growing business environment. The stability in revocations and the absence of acts in several categories suggest a certain stability in business decisions and company structures. Capital increases and change of address acts indicate a search for growth and optimization by companies. Although there are some dissolution and bankruptcy situation acts, these are not predominant and may be part of necessary restructuring processes.
For more information about the mentioned companies, you can visit their profiles at the following links: