BORME summary in TARRAGONA on 2024-09-09.

Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Mercantile Registry

Financial Analysis of the Tarragona Mercantile Registry

Date: 2024-09-09

This financial analysis is based on data collected from the Tarragona Mercantile Registry. Below are the most relevant facts regarding the registered acts, including appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, address changes, capital increases, insolvency situations, mergers, among others.

Registered Acts

In the analyzed period, a total of 11 appointment acts have been registered, indicating significant activity in the renewal or designation of new management positions in the region's companies. This data is relevant as changes in management can influence the strategy and performance of companies.

Regarding the incorporation of new companies, only one act has been registered. This suggests a low creation of new entities, which could be related to specific economic or market factors in the region.

Five resignation acts have been registered, reflecting a dynamic of changes in the organizational structure of companies. These resignations may be due to various reasons, such as internal restructurings, retirements, or strategic changes.

Regarding revocations, only one act has been registered. Revocations are usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations, which may indicate adjustments in the operational management of companies.

In terms of address changes, three acts have been registered. These types of changes may be motivated by the search for better logistical, fiscal, or market conditions.

In the area of capital increases, only one act has been registered. Capital increases indicate the companies' intention to strengthen their financial structure to undertake new projects or expansions.

Two insolvency situations have been registered, reflecting financial difficulties in some companies in the region. Insolvency situations are legal processes that allow companies to reorganize or liquidate under court supervision.

Finally, one merger act has been registered. Mergers are strategic moves that seek synergies and competitive strengthening through the union of two or more companies.

Notable Cases

Among the companies registered in Tarragona, Barnizados Industriales SA stands out. This company has a share capital of 817,200.00 euros and has registered one appointment act and one resignation act. These movements could be related to an internal restructuring to improve operational efficiency.

Another relevant company is Navial SA, incorporated on September 2, 1985, with a share capital of 120,200.00 euros. Navial SA has registered one appointment act, which could indicate the incorporation of new talents to drive its growth.

For its part, Lear Corporation Holding Spain SL, incorporated on July 7, 1998, with a share capital of 4,138,486.00 euros, has registered one appointment act. This company is dedicated to the manufacturing, transformation, and commercialization of seats and their parts for automotive and industrial vehicles, positioning it as a key player in the automotive sector in the region.

It is also relevant to mention Lear European Holding SL, incorporated on September 24, 2003, with a share capital of 2,100,000.00 euros. This company has registered two appointment acts, which could be related to an expansion or restructuring to improve its market positioning.


In conclusion, the analysis of the acts registered in the Tarragona Mercantile Registry reveals moderate activity in terms of appointments and resignations, with a low level of new company incorporations. Address changes and capital increases are limited, while insolvency situations and mergers indicate certain challenges and opportunities in the market. Notable companies, such as Barnizados Industriales SA, Navial SA, Lear Corporation Holding Spain SL, and Lear European Holding SL, show strategic movements that could influence their future performance.

It is important to continue monitoring these indicators to better understand the trends and dynamics of the business market in Tarragona. Detailed information about the mentioned companies can be consulted in the provided links, allowing for a deeper analysis of their situation and prospects.