BORME summary in VALENCIA on 2024-08-02.

Financial Analysis of the Valencia Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Valencia Commercial Registry

Analysis date: August 2, 2024

This report offers a detailed analysis of the most relevant facts recorded in the Valencia Commercial Registry. Below are the most significant data and some notable companies with links to their corresponding file for a deeper analysis.

Appointments and Dismissals

The number of recorded appointment acts is 83, indicating significant activity in the renewal and assignment of managerial positions. On the other hand, 30 dismissals were recorded, suggesting a dynamic change in the organizational structures of companies. An example of a company that has recorded appointment acts is Pavasal Empresa Constructora SA, with a share capital of 3,090,596.00 euros.

Constitutions and Dissolutions

34 acts of new company constitution have been recorded, reflecting an active and growing business environment. In contrast, only 4 dissolutions have been recorded, suggesting relative stability in the market. Among the constituted companies, Especializada y Primaria L Horta Manises SA stands out, constituted on September 21, 2006, with a share capital of 3,400,000.00 euros.

Revocations and Re-elections

Regarding revocation acts, 3 have been recorded, while re-election acts amount to 14. This indicates that, although there are some changes in positions, most companies opt to retain their current managers. An example of revocation can be seen in Portuaria Levantina SA, with a share capital of 160,000,000.00 euros.

Single-person Companies and Changes in Single-person Companies

18 acts of single-person companies and 3 changes in single-person companies have been recorded. This reflects a trend towards simplifying the business structure, with a significant number of companies operating under a single owner. However, no acts of loss of single-person status were recorded.

Changes of Address and Statutory Modifications

15 changes of address have been recorded, indicating some mobility in the locations of companies. Additionally, 5 statutory modifications have been made, suggesting that some companies are adapting their statutes to reflect changes in their structure or strategy. An example of a company that has made statutory modifications is Pavasal Empresa Constructora SA.

Capital Increases and Reductions

In terms of capital, 8 capital increases and 2 capital reductions have been recorded. This indicates that some companies are seeking to increase their financial capacity to expand or invest in new projects, while others are adjusting their capital structure. A notable example is Banco Mediolanum SA, with a share capital of 86,031,829.00 euros.

Insolvency Situations

7 insolvency situations have been recorded, reflecting some financial challenges among companies in the region. However, this number is relatively low compared to the total number of recorded acts, suggesting overall market stability.

Changes in Corporate Purpose and Name

6 changes in corporate purpose and 2 changes in name have been recorded. This indicates that some companies are redirecting their main activities or renaming themselves to better reflect their identity or business strategy. An example of a change in corporate purpose is Pavasal Empresa Constructora SA, which has expanded its corporate purpose to include the acquisition and management of corporate shares.

Mergers, Extinctions, and Transformations

No acts of mergers, extinctions, or transformations of society have been recorded in the analyzed period. This suggests that companies in the region are maintaining their current structures without making significant changes to their legal form.


In summary, the Valencia Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments, constitutions, and capital increases. Although there are some financial challenges reflected in the insolvency situations, most companies appear to be in a stable position. The companies highlighted in this analysis, such as Banco Mediolanum SA, Pavasal Empresa Constructora SA, and Especializada y Primaria L Horta Manises SA, demonstrate the diversity and strength of the business fabric of the region.