BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-08-02.

Financial Analysis - Commercial Registry of Valladolid

Financial Analysis of the Commercial Registry of Valladolid

Report date: 2024-08-02

This report details the most relevant events recorded in the Commercial Registry of Valladolid. Below is a comprehensive analysis of the different registry activities, providing a clear view of business dynamism in this province.


The number of recorded appointment acts is 10. This data indicates considerable activity regarding the designation of managerial and administrative positions in Valladolid companies. Appointments are essential for the management and direction of companies, and this volume suggests constant renewal in leadership teams.


6 constitution acts have been recorded. This number reflects the birth of new companies, which is a positive indicator of entrepreneurial activity in the region. Among the new constitutions, WPD WINDMANAGER ESPAÑA SL stands out, constituted on October 11, 2019, with a share capital of 103,996.00 euros and whose corporate purpose is the technical and commercial management of wind farms and solar plants.


The number of resignation acts is 4. Resignations can be due to various reasons, including internal restructurings, retirements, or strategic changes. Although not a high number, it is important to monitor these movements to better understand the internal dynamics of companies.


No revocation acts have been recorded. This data can be interpreted as stability in positions and functions within companies, without the need to annul previously made decisions.

Single-Member Companies

3 single-member company acts have been recorded. This implies that some companies have adopted the single-member company structure, where a single partner assumes the entire share capital. This type of structure can offer advantages in terms of control and decision-making.

Address Changes

No address change acts have been recorded. Stability in the location of companies can be an indication of satisfaction with local conditions and the available infrastructure in Valladolid.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modification acts have been recorded. The absence of changes in corporate bylaws suggests that companies maintain their internal rules and regulations without the need for significant adjustments.

Capital Increases

No capital increase acts have been recorded. The lack of increases may indicate that companies have not needed to increase their share capital, possibly because they have sufficient resources for their current operations.


3 dissolution acts have been recorded. The dissolution of companies can be an indicator of economic difficulties or strategic decisions to close. It is important to analyze these cases to better understand the challenges companies face in the region.


No re-election acts have been recorded. This suggests that there has been no need to renew the mandates of managerial or administrative positions in companies during the analyzed period.

Bankruptcy Situations

No bankruptcy situation acts have been recorded. The absence of bankruptcies is a positive indicator, as it indicates that companies have not faced severe insolvencies requiring judicial intervention.

Object Changes

No object change acts have been recorded. Companies maintain their main activities without needing to modify their corporate purpose, which can be a sign of stability in their operations.

Name Changes

No name change acts have been recorded. Stability in corporate names reflects continuity in the corporate identity of companies.

Capital Reductions

No capital reduction acts have been recorded. The absence of reductions is a positive indicator, suggesting that companies have not had to decrease their share capital, which could be a sign of financial problems.

Object Expansions

No object expansion acts have been recorded. Companies have not considered it necessary to expand their main activities, which may indicate a focus on their current business lines.

Single-Member Company Changes

1 single-member company change act has been recorded. This change implies that a company has transitioned to having a single partner, which can offer advantages in terms of control and agility in decision-making.

Losses of Single-Member Status

No losses of single-member status acts have been recorded. Companies that adopted the single-member company structure have maintained this structure without changes.


No extinction acts have been recorded. The absence of extinctions is a positive indicator, as it indicates that there have been no definitive closures of companies in the analyzed period.


No merger acts have been recorded. The lack of mergers may indicate that companies have opted to maintain their independence and have not considered it necessary to join forces with other entities.

Company Transformations

No company transformation acts have been recorded. Companies have maintained their original legal form without needing transformations.

In conclusion, the analysis of the data from the Commercial Registry of Valladolid shows dynamic and stable business activity. The creation of new companies, such as WPD WINDMANAGER ESPAÑA SL, along with the absence of bankruptcy situations and extinctions, are positive indicators of the region's economic health. Stability in aspects such as address changes, statutory modifications, and capital reductions also reinforces this perception of solidity in Valladolid's business fabric.