BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-08-14.

Financial Analysis of the Valladolid Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Valladolid Commercial Registry

Report date: August 14, 2024

This financial analysis is based on the most relevant data from the Valladolid Commercial Registry, collected up to the date of August 14, 2024. Below, the most significant facts related to various registry acts are described, with specific references to some of the prominent companies in the province.

Registry Acts

In the analyzed period, a total of 8 appointment acts, 1 constitution act, 6 cessation acts, 2 revocation acts, 0 unipersonality acts, 2 address change acts, 0 statutory modification acts, 3 capital increase acts, 1 dissolution act, 0 re-election acts, 0 insolvency situations, 0 object change acts, 0 name change acts, 0 capital reduction acts, 0 object extension acts, 0 unipersonal company change acts, 0 unipersonality loss acts, 0 extinction acts, 0 merger acts, and 0 company transformation acts have been registered.


A total of 8 appointment acts have been carried out. This type of act is crucial for the renewal and efficient management of companies. A notable example is the company Constructora Reca e Hijos SL, which has registered an appointment act. This company, with a share capital of 1,013,466.00 euros, is dedicated to construction and has shown active management in the renewal of its directors.


Only one constitution act has been registered in the analyzed period. This fact indicates moderate creation of new companies in the province. The constitution of new companies is fundamental for economic dynamism and job creation in the region.


6 cessation acts have been registered, reflecting changes in the managerial structure of several companies. Cessations can be due to various reasons, such as internal restructuring or contract terminations. The company Constructora Reca e Hijos SL has also registered a cessation act, demonstrating its activity in managing its executive team.


Regarding revocations, 2 acts have been registered. Revocations are usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers or authorizations. An example of this type of act is the company Colegio Internacional de Valladolid SL, which has registered a revocation. This company, with a share capital of 279,649.00 euros, is dedicated to education and the operation of educational centers.

Address Changes

2 address change acts have been registered. Address changes can indicate the expansion or strategic relocation of companies. The company El Bantigo SA has registered an address change. This company, with a share capital of 145,442.00 euros, shows its ability to adapt to new locations.

Capital Increases

3 capital increase acts have been registered. Capital increases are a positive indicator of companies' intention to increase their financial capacity and expand their operations. Although a specific company is not mentioned in this context, it is an encouraging sign for the local economy.


One dissolution act has been registered. The dissolution of a company can be due to various reasons, such as the completion of its corporate purpose or financial problems. This act is relevant as it directly affects the labor market and the local economy.

Other Acts

No unipersonality acts, statutory modifications, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object extensions, unipersonal company changes, unipersonality losses, extinctions, mergers, or company transformations have been registered. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as stability in the structure and functioning of companies in the province.


In summary, the analysis of registry acts in the Valladolid Commercial Registry shows moderate activity in terms of appointments, cessations, revocations, address changes, and capital increases. The creation of new companies has been limited, while the dissolution of companies has been minimal. Stability in other types of acts suggests a relatively stable business structure in the province. Companies such as Constructora Reca e Hijos SL, Colegio Internacional de Valladolid SL, and El Bantigo SA stand out for their activity in appointments, cessations, revocations, and address changes, reflecting their dynamism and adaptability in the market.