BORME summary in VALLADOLID on 2024-09-05.

Financial Analysis of the Valladolid Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Valladolid Commercial Registry

In the analysis of the Valladolid Commercial Registry, a series of relevant acts have been identified that reflect the business dynamics in the province. Below, the most notable facts are described in relation to the various registry activities.

Appointments and Resignations

The number of registered appointment acts is 14, indicating significant activity in the appointment of new positions within companies. This data can be interpreted as a sign of renewal and restructuring in organizations. On the other hand, 3 resignations have been registered, suggesting lower turnover compared to appointments.

Constitutions and Dissolutions

10 constitution acts have been registered, reflecting growth in the creation of new companies in the region. This data is encouraging and shows a favorable environment for entrepreneurship. However, 1 dissolution has also been registered, indicating that some companies have ceased their operations. An example of a recently constituted company is ALMACEN GRUPO CINCO SAL, founded on July 1, 2013, with a share capital of 120,000 euros and dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of furniture and appliances.

Revocations and Re-elections

The registry shows 1 revocation act and 4 re-election acts. Revocations can be interpreted as adjustments in the direction of companies, while re-elections reflect continuity and confidence in the current directors.

Single-Member Companies

4 single-member company acts have been registered, indicating that some companies have come to be managed by a single partner. This change can have implications for decision-making and the structure of the company.

Address Changes

1 address change act has been registered. These types of acts may be related to the search for better business opportunities or the need for expansion.

Capital Increases and Reductions

The registry shows 1 capital increase act and 1 capital reduction act. Capital increases are usually an indicator of growth and expansion, while reductions may be related to financial adjustments. An example of a company with significant share capital is PROMOCIONES HNOS ARRANZ CERNUDA SL, with a share capital of 1,100,000 euros, dedicated to real estate promotion and urban planning management.

Bankruptcy Situations

3 bankruptcy situation acts have been registered, indicating that some companies are facing significant financial difficulties. This data is concerning and reflects the need for support and restructuring measures for these companies.

Other Acts

No acts of statutory modifications, changes of object, changes of name, expansions of object, changes of single-member company, losses of single-member company, extinctions, mergers, or transformations of society have been registered. The absence of these acts can be interpreted as stability in the structure and functioning of companies in the region.


In summary, the analysis of the Valladolid Commercial Registry shows dynamic business activity with a significant number of appointments and new company constitutions. However, some challenges are also observed, such as bankruptcy situations and dissolutions. Continuity in managerial positions and stability in the structure of companies are positive aspects highlighted in this analysis.

It is essential to continue monitoring these indicators to identify trends and take measures that promote the growth and sustainability of companies in Valladolid.