BORME summary in ZAMORA on 2024-08-27.

Financial Analysis of the Zaragoza Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Zaragoza Commercial Registry

Report date: August 27, 2024

This report provides a detailed analysis of the activities recorded in the Zaragoza Commercial Registry. Below, the most relevant events are described in terms of appointments, incorporations, resignations, revocations, sole proprietorships, address changes, statutory modifications, capital increases, dissolutions, re-elections, insolvency situations, object changes, name changes, capital reductions, object expansions, changes to sole proprietorships, losses of sole proprietorship, terminations, mergers, and company transformations.


A total of 21 appointment acts have been registered in the Zaragoza Commercial Registry. This figure reflects significant activity in terms of the designation of new positions in companies. A notable example is the company TEFLE SA, which has a share capital of 1,322,200.00 euros and has recently registered an appointment.


5 incorporation acts have been registered, indicating the creation of new business entities in the region. This is a positive indicator of economic dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit in Zaragoza.


The number of registered resignations amounts to 11. This figure can be interpreted as a natural process of renewal and restructuring within companies, where the departure of former directors or administrators occurs.


2 revocation acts have been registered. These types of acts are usually related to the annulment of previously granted powers, which can indicate changes in the power structure within companies.

Sole Proprietorships

In terms of sole proprietorships, 2 acts have been registered. These acts reflect the transformation of companies into sole proprietorships, where a single partner assumes full control of the company.

Address Changes

5 address change acts have been registered. This figure can be an indicator of companies seeking better strategic locations or cost optimization.

Statutory Modifications

Regarding statutory modifications, 3 acts have been registered. These modifications may include changes in the companies' bylaws to adapt to new regulations or business strategies.

Capital Increases

The number of registered capital increases is 2. This figure is relevant as capital increases are usually indicative of business expansion and growth plans. An example is the company TRANSPORTES MINEROS SA, with a share capital of 165,000,000.00 euros, which, although it has not registered recent increases, its high share capital reflects its capacity for future expansions.


2 dissolution acts have been registered. Dissolutions are usually the result of the termination of business activity, either by decision of the partners or due to adverse economic circumstances.


The number of registered re-elections is 2. Re-elections reflect the continuity and confidence in the current administrators or directors of the companies.

Insolvency Situations

No insolvency situations have been registered in the analyzed period. This is a positive figure as it indicates financial stability in the companies in the region.

Object Changes

1 object change act has been registered. These types of acts reflect companies adapting to new business opportunities or diversifying their activities.

Name Changes

The number of registered name changes is 1. Name changes can be a strategy to renew the corporate image or to reflect a new business direction.

Capital Reductions

No capital reductions have been registered. Capital reductions are usually an indicator of financial restructuring, so the absence of these acts can be interpreted as a sign of stability.

Object Expansions

No object expansions have been registered. This figure suggests that companies are maintaining their focus on previously established activities.

Changes to Sole Proprietorships

1 act of change to sole proprietorship has been registered. These types of acts reflect the transition of companies with multiple partners to entities controlled by a single partner.

Losses of Sole Proprietorship

No losses of sole proprietorship have been registered. This figure indicates that sole proprietorship companies have maintained their structure during the analyzed period.


No terminations have been registered. The absence of terminations is a positive indicator as it reflects the continuity of business activities in the region.


No mergers have been registered. Mergers are usually strategies to increase competitiveness and market share, so the absence of these can be interpreted as stability in the current business structures.

Company Transformations

No company transformations have been registered. This figure suggests that companies have maintained their legal forms without significant adaptations.

In conclusion, the analysis of the Zaragoza Commercial Registry shows dynamic and stable business activity, with a significant number of appointments and incorporations, as well as an absence of insolvency situations and terminations. Companies like TAIM WESER SA, with a share capital of 10,955,376.00 euros, reflect the solidity and growth capacity of entities in the region. Stability in terms of capital reductions, object expansions, and company transformations is also a positive indicator of the financial health of companies in Zaragoza.