BORME summary in ZAMORA on 2024-09-04.
Financial Analysis of the Zaragoza Commercial Registry
Date: September 4, 2024
This financial analysis focuses on the most relevant data from the Zaragoza Commercial Registry, collected up to the date of September 4, 2024. Below, the most significant acts registered in this province are detailed, as well as some mentions of prominent companies that illustrate these movements.
The total number of registered appointment acts amounts to 85. This indicator reflects an active business dynamic, where companies are constantly renewing their management bodies. An example of this is Casen Recordati SL, which has registered 2 appointment acts. This company, with a share capital of 238,966,000.00 euros, is dedicated to the management and administration of representative values of equity of non-resident entities in national territory.
As for the incorporation of new companies, a total of 20 acts have been registered. This number is a good indicator of the creation of new business opportunities in the region, which can translate into sustained economic growth in the medium and long term.
The commercial registry has recorded 30 resignation acts. This data can be interpreted as a natural process of rotation in management positions, although it could also be a sign of internal restructuring in some companies.
13 revocation acts have been registered. These types of acts may be related to strategic changes in the management of companies. An example is Cerro de Mahi SL, which has registered 1 revocation act. This company, with a share capital of 25,659,120.00 euros, is dedicated to the acquisition, development, transformation, urbanization, and sale of land and plots.
Single-Member Companies
The number of single-member company acts amounts to 15. This data is relevant as it shows the trend of some companies to maintain a concentrated ownership structure in a single person.
Address Changes
A total of 8 address change acts have been registered. These types of movements may be motivated by expansion strategies or the search for better operating conditions.
Statutory Modifications
2 statutory modification acts have been registered. These changes are usually indicative of adjustments in the internal regulations of companies to adapt to new market realities.
Capital Increases
The commercial registry has recorded 6 capital increase acts. This data is significant as it reflects the intention of companies to increase their financial resources to undertake new projects or expand their operations.
6 dissolution acts have been registered. This data can be interpreted as a process of purging the business fabric, where companies that fail to remain competitive opt to cease their operations.
As for re-elections, 8 acts have been registered. This data is indicative of continuity in the management of some companies, which can be a sign of stability and confidence in their management teams.
Bankruptcy Situations
5 bankruptcy situation acts have been registered. This data is relevant as it shows the financial challenges that some companies are facing. It is important to monitor this indicator to assess the financial health of the business fabric in the region.
Changes in Corporate Purpose
The number of acts of changes in corporate purpose amounts to 5. These changes are usually motivated by the need for companies to adapt to new business opportunities or changes in the economic environment.
Changes in Company Name
3 acts of changes in company name have been registered. These types of changes may be related to rebranding strategies or company mergers.
Capital Reductions
The commercial registry has recorded 3 capital reduction acts. These movements may be motivated by the need to adjust the financial structure of companies to improve their operational efficiency.
Extensions of Corporate Purpose
No acts of extensions of corporate purpose have been registered. This data can be interpreted as stability in the main activities of companies in the region.
Changes in Single-Member Company Status
1 act of change in single-member company status has been registered. These types of changes are usually related to adjustments in the ownership structure of companies.
Losses of Single-Member Company Status
No acts of losses of single-member company status have been registered. This data is indicative of stability in the ownership structure of companies.
No acts of extinctions have been registered. This data can be interpreted as a positive sign that companies are managing to remain operational.
No acts of mergers have been registered. This data may be indicative of stability in the business fabric, without major consolidation movements.
Company Transformations
No acts of company transformations have been registered. This data can be interpreted as stability in the legal structure of companies in the region.
In summary, the Zaragoza Commercial Registry shows a dynamic and constantly evolving business activity. The data reflects both the creation of new companies and the adaptation of existing ones to new market realities. Companies like Casen Recordati SL and Cerro de Mahi SL are examples of how companies are managing their resources and adapting to new opportunities and challenges.