BORME summary in ZAMORA on 2024-09-30.

Financial Analysis of the Zaragoza Commercial Registry

Financial Analysis of the Zaragoza Commercial Registry

Report Date: September 30, 2024

This financial analysis is based on data from the Zaragoza Commercial Registry, collected up to September 30, 2024. This report highlights the most relevant facts related to the commercial acts registered in this province. Below, the main indicators are detailed, and some specific company cases are analyzed to better illustrate the current situation.

Registered Commercial Acts

The analysis focuses on the following categories of commercial acts:

  • Appointments
  • Incorporations
  • Resignations
  • Revocations
  • Unipersonalities
  • Address Changes
  • Statutory Modifications
  • Capital Increases
  • Dissolutions
  • Re-elections
  • Bankruptcy Situations
  • Object Changes
  • Name Changes
  • Capital Reductions
  • Object Extensions
  • Unipersonal Company Changes
  • Losses of Unipersonality
  • Extinctions
  • Mergers
  • Company Transformations


During the analyzed period, a total of 49 appointments were registered. This indicator is crucial as it reflects the dynamics of companies in terms of incorporating new directors and renewing their governing bodies. A notable example is Terminal Marítima de Zaragoza SL, which registered a recent appointment, possibly indicating a strategy of renewal in its management.


9 new company incorporations were registered, suggesting moderate growth in the creation of new businesses in Zaragoza. This data is encouraging, as the creation of new companies is an indicator of economic dynamism and business opportunities.


There were 12 resignations registered, which can be interpreted as a sign of internal restructuring in several companies. It is important to monitor these changes to better understand the reasons behind these movements, as they may be related to strategic adjustments or adverse financial situations.


8 revocations were recorded, reflecting companies' decisions to annul certain previously granted powers or authorizations. These types of acts may be related to changes in business strategy or the need to adjust the organizational structure.


8 unipersonality acts were registered, indicating that several companies have come under the control of a single partner. This change can have significant implications for decision-making and company management.

Address Changes

2 address changes were registered, suggesting low geographical mobility of companies in Zaragoza. This data may indicate stability in the location of companies.

Statutory Modifications

No statutory modifications were registered during the analyzed period, which can be interpreted as stability in the internal regulations of companies.

Capital Increases

1 capital increase was registered, an act reflecting companies' intention to increase their financial capacity to undertake new projects or strengthen their financial structure. An example is Schindler SA, with a share capital of 27,801,159.00 euros, showing a solid financial structure.


1 dissolution was registered, indicating that a company decided to cease its operations. This data is relevant to understand the dynamism and difficulties companies may face in Zaragoza.


3 re-elections were registered, suggesting continuity in the management of some companies. These types of acts are important to maintain stability and experience in company management.

Bankruptcy Situations

5 bankruptcy situations were registered, a worrying data reflecting the financial difficulties faced by some companies. It is crucial to monitor these cases to better understand the causes and seek solutions that can prevent future insolvencies.

Object Changes

2 object changes were registered, indicating that some companies have decided to modify their main activity. These types of acts may be related to adapting to new market opportunities or the need to diversify their operations.

Name Changes

No name changes were registered, suggesting stability in the corporate identity of companies in Zaragoza.

Capital Reductions

1 capital reduction was registered, an act that may be related to financial adjustments or the need to optimize the company's capital structure.

Object Extensions

No object extensions were registered, indicating that companies have maintained their main activity without significant changes.

Unipersonal Company Changes

2 unipersonal company changes were registered, indicating a transition in the ownership structure of some companies.

Losses of Unipersonality

No losses of unipersonality were registered, suggesting stability in the ownership structure of companies.


No extinctions were registered, which is a positive data indicating that there were no definitive closures of companies during the analyzed period.


No mergers were registered, suggesting that there were no significant movements of business consolidation in Zaragoza during this period.

Company Transformations

No company transformations were registered, indicating stability in the legal form of companies.


In summary, the analysis of the commercial acts registered in Zaragoza up to September 30, 2024, shows moderate activity in the creation of new companies and stability in the structure of existing ones. Appointments and resignations reflect significant internal dynamics, while bankruptcy situations and the single registered dissolution are indicators to monitor closely. Companies like GrupoPikolin SL, with a share capital of 58,197,080.00 euros, stand out for their financial solidity and management stability.

It is essential to closely monitor these indicators to better understand the business environment in Zaragoza and make informed decisions that promote growth and economic stability in the region.